Please complete this Learner Review at the end of a course.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Your skills

Did you improve any of your learning and employment skills?

Community - Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing, Numeracy
Teamwork - Working in groups, giving feedback
Problem Solving - Working out ways to do things
Initiative and enterprise - Trying new things, being creative, following up ideas
Planning and organising - Making decision, organising things
Self-management - Taking responsibility, organising myself

Your next steps

What are you planning to do next year? How can you use what you've learned from this course?

Your feedback on the course

Rate the course by selecting one number from 5 (excellent) to 1 (very poor)
Content: what was covered in the course
Teaching: how it was taught and organised
Duration: the length of the course
Any other comments or suggestions for improving the course